We are three humans living in Warwickshire.
I’m Lucy, somewhere in my thirties and a lifelong lover of words, photography, music, dance, fast cars and rabbits.
You can mostly find me at home, chasing my small person round the living room with Christmas music playing in the background for more of the year than is “acceptable”. Our walls are covered with an eclectic mix of photos, posters with trite sayings, mirrors and dents from an enthusiastic baby banging wooden toys against them.
I work outside the home three days a week. Sometimes, as a treat to myself, I will book a day’s annual leave, take my daughter to the childminder anyway, come home and clean all day. Too much of my mental energy is spent thinking about tidying up.
I relax by painting wooden dolls. They are taking over the dining room. That might be a sign I need to relax more. Or less.
Our daughter was born in November 2017. She is amazing. She changes every day and we love spending time with her.
Her favourite things in the world are my phone, my car keys and the remote control. She couldn’t name any children’s TV characters, but the Big Bang Theory theme tune is “her song”, and she claps delightedly at Lilith in Frasier.
We’ve done a bit of everything with her. Baby led weaning and purees. Formula and breastfeeding. Pram and babywearing. By the time she’s ten, all you’ll be able to tell is that we feed her something vaguely healthy and love her with all our hearts.